Thursday, March 27, 2014

TESTIMONI: Cellulite gone!!

I had this conversation yesterday morning from one of my customer from Setiawangsa..

Just nak share, dengan u since dah almost 1 month pakai pb yang beli ngan u,selulit kat punggung makin pudar

since pakai makan memang tak banyak
and makan lebih rasa nak muntah and perut tak selesa..

agak2 suami kita selera tak tengok punggung kita camni ? heee

Alhamdullilah! Congratz intan!

So if it works for her, Im sure it will work for you too! just consistently pakai Premium Beautiful for 8 hours and you will see the results in just short period of time!!

Premium Beautiful helps to reduce water retention. I used to have this problem way before I got married.. alhamdullilah Dah jumpa PB. No more cellulite!!

-iffazainal said...
OMG Hanis.. I just posted my own testimonial regarding cellulite gone this morning!! Mmg I sgt terkejut and excited gile coz I really just noticed it on the weekend.. Tak sangka pakai PB cellulite boleh hilang.. Sekarang boleh buang all the cellulite cream coz they don't work even berbotol dah pakai.. PB is the best!!

-Bai said...
betul...PB ni leh upkan tak kisah la. semua up. hehehe

-wanie_kashfi said...
hanis, wani pun perasan...tapi baru seminggu pakai so tak nak ler excited sangat...tapi, memang bila wani tolak2 kulit peha (memang selalu buat nak tengok selulit tebal mana) selulit macam dah makin kurang, kulit pun makin, for now on, i will always wear my PB...& i won't hesitate to buy a new set if dah kurus nnt...hihihi...tq very much.

From hanis blog.